Monday, November 18, 2013

Needles That Work

These needles are great for anyone that spends a lot of time crocheting. These needles are light and help ease wrist pain. Love them!

Monday, October 28, 2013

I created a new stitch in Tunisian Crochet

I created a new stitch in Tunisian Crochet for my e-book: Breezy Tunisian Crochet Projects.

My First Middle Grade Book.

I am so excited about this book. It is the first in a series: Bad Fairy Club. The title of  the first book is Sister Games.

Please check it out!!

Eva is a plump, spunky eight-year-old fairy that wears the funkiest tights. Eva wants two things so bad. One is to learn magic, forbidden in their home. The second thing was to get revenge on her older sister, Selma, at the school dance.

Selma is a slender fashionista, nine-year-old fairy that wants nothing to due with her magic side, but wants everything to due with fashion.

Eva’s adventure to get revenge on Selma causes more problems in their dysfunctional single-parent home. Eva has to find some magical spells to make sure the school dance is a disaster. In her search for these magical skills she comes upon a hidden family heirloom, a powerful grimoire- spell book that has been silent for years until it feels Eva’s touch.

Eva’s first attempt on revenge fails and Selma benefits from the results, this forces Eva to step up her skills for learning magic so she can seek her revenge.

Will Eva get her revenge, and at what cost?

By the end of this magical adventure, Eva gets her revenge, and accidentally helps Selma discover her desire to increase her magic skills, too. Eva discovers that she has the portal to the world of Annebella and the tiny fairies that her grandmother had talked about for years. Eva learns how to transform herself into a tiny fairy to enter that world.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Can't Wait for WriteOn Con

I can't wait for the WriteOn conference it come Aug 13 and 14th. Every year I meet great people, learn new things about writing, and get a lot of inspiration that last all year.

Love it!

Excited on Publishing my third ebook on Tunisian crochet

My new book on Tunisian crochet went live today! I'm so excited. I was able to create a new stitch and several new projects.

Please check it out.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Trying to Figure Out Pin Interest

I am trying my hand at Pin Interest. There is so many beautiful pictures of sites and crafts. It is so nice.

I am trying to make up two boards one on crochet and another on quilling.

If anyone knows some tips on how to use this site please pass them on. I need help!


Monday, April 8, 2013

Learning the "E" World

I am learning all about the "e" world. I had trouble with my last cover to one of my new ebooks and all the people in my Google+ circle came to my rescue. I am still learning, but thank you all.

Now, I have another great ebook on Tunisian Crochet, which I'm so much in love with. I hope you will love it to and create the great patterns inside.

Here is the link:
Tunisian Crochet Print Patterns

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New E-book is live!

Here is the link to my new ebook.
If you have old bangles from years ago, well, pull them out and create new ones. This book shows you how to use crocheting, felting, beads, and even paper to re-create those bangles. It even shows you how to create your paper.
Check it out!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Girl is In The Tabs again

My Marilyn is in the tabs again. We all knew she was murdered and who was responsible for it. But, again the Kennedy's are mixed up in this secret, along with the mob.

Go figure!

I think they did a terrible thing and I would loved to have known her.

Missing Marilyn

Working on Another E-book

I have been working on another craft e-book. It is Re-Rock Your Old Bangles: 6 Bangles Renewed With Crochet and Felt.

I have been struggling with creating covers. My cover looks great in Word, but when I upload it to the Amazon page, the colors turn to a completely different color.

I have a lot of graphics inside which retain their colors, but not the cover.

It will be published in a few days, with the blue color, instead of by orange.

I guess you have to pick your battles.LOL!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My First Published Kindle

I have created and published my first new kindle book, Inspiring Tunisian Crochet. I have been putting this on my goals for the year and never did it. Now, I have!
Here is the link, please go check it out.
