Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Goodbye 2016! Pleas Call me Out cry.

It has been a mixed year, with good and bad. Life and bad health got into my way of my writing. I bought a house and my work life is at a great peak with bonus and awards.
But,,, then I lost my beautiful father due to cancer. The cancer demon follows our family. I have battled it once and prepared to battle it a second,, third time.
I been thankful to have two more beautiful animals that came into my life, Lucy Lou, a Chihuahua, and Nova, a beautiful tabby cat. That makes my animal family a total of four. (Victoria, cat, & Little T, pug)
My goal for 2017 is to get back into my writing, which I promise my father I would do. So, I have an angle keeping me accountable. So, if you can help me stay accountable; please call me out by posting to this page, either inspirational or in-my-face statements.
Thanks to all of you.