Thursday, October 11, 2012

Live Pitch Elevator Pitch Contest

Well, here is goes!
Never Piss Off A Witch
New Adult Fantasy
55, 000 Word


  1. Hey Barbara,

    Loved the weird, black-and-white opening and your hook.... that's pretty good advice! Your premise was clear and I thought you had a great line when you asked, "Can a vampire teach a witch how to be a witch?" — that was my favourite part by far. What a strange scenario you've created for your MC! Congrats on your video pitch and good luck!

    John Krissilas, #40

  2. I love the title! However, if you can edit this blog post you should make sure to put the name, the genre and the wordcount above the video because it's a requirement of the contest, and it would've helped me have a better frame of reference when the pitch started. Good luck! #26

  3. Fun pitch! My only critique is for you to make it more conversational--less like reading from notes. Good luck! #41

  4. Gotta love witches! Looks like a pretty interesting story--magic, spellbooks, million dollar inheritances, lurking evil witches.

    You can have all these super powerful characters with crazy magical powers, and what do they fight over? Money. That's a great way to relate the fantastic with normal, everyday life.

    Good job!

  5. All the magical elements are very cool! Sounds like a neat book! Good luck :-)

  6. Can I just say, I loved the cat meowing in the background as soon as you said the title? Awesome.

  7. I love, love, LOVE the title!! :) And your premise as well. My only suggestion would be like someone said above, to make your pitch more conversational. Otherwise, very good stuff!

  8. Great title. Wishing you luck! #32

  9. Sounds like a fun witch story. Good Luck!

  10. I love the title of your story. Good luck!

  11. Warring witch sisters is always interesting. :)

  12. I'm sorry you didn't make it into the agent round. Great premise and I wouldn't want to piss off those witches. I think the issue I had was the use of "powerful" too much. Keep pitching and get ready for Trick or Treat with agents starting Oct. 24.
